The One Where Kingsley Graduates High School | CHS '21 |

Kingsley - Senior Portrait Session

Capturing my first Michigan senior session this past summer was so special. It is always so special to capture your first sessions in a new state. We went to a wooded area in Grand Rapids as well as the Creston Brewing Area in Downtown Grand Rapids, MI. We utilized all the fun painted walls around that area in Downtown GR. She brought her two of her best friends along wither her mom & grandma, to say it was a complete blast was an understatement. We also jammed out to some TikTok tunes & laughed the whole time. Kingsley is so beautiful, with the cutest style & is so sweet & spunky. She has been a dancer for many years now & it is one heck of a tapper, so we made sure to feature a little bit of that in her senior session. I say make your session you! Feature what you love wether it is tap dancing or Tacos, this is the time to showcase you & your personality. Your senior photos are a way to document who you were at 17/18 a little time capsule if you may. It is safe to say I absolutely loved capturing my first Michigan senior session. Senior sessions are such a fun creative outlet for me from the wedding norm.

Here is a peek into some of the cutest moments from Kingsley’s senior session:

Wasn’t this one of the cutest senior sessions, those heart shape sunglasses were absolutely the perfect touch. Kingsley, I cannot wait to see all you accomplish in life, you are going to kill it.

Until next time!

Much Love,

Ali K


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